It's 4:44am in my watch and m out of sleep...
actually just got some such unexpected news today that vanished my all plans..
I had to join Deloitte on 22nd of June as per the last Notice but got to know today that some 30 selected people out of new recruited guys are supposed to join on 7th of June...
I don't know the selection criterion..and also don't know that why we are supposed to be there soooooo soon but I know the one thing going in my mind "NOT SO SOON"..2 weeks earlier??
They are taking away some days out of my last summer holiday and I can't help it..
As I got the news,initially I was so happy because there you get the feeling of being selected among many for some good start...but slowly the whole excitement went down..
I had some holiday plans...Some more few Last things..Bit more family time..
I had been thinking of how my last 3 weekends are going to be,,I was learning to drive 4 wheelers..I used to wake up usually around noons..Even if on every morning I used to think it's so boring to wake up without any purpose but it was better then not sleeping with lots of burden on you..
I actually even don't know that what are we supposed to do there but..somehow I am losing somethings left to be done behind..for whom I would never get any second chance..
That's it for now.. Thanks so much for your huge patience!!
I hope I can sleep now..I needed to share!!
Hey,my DOJ shifted back to 22nd..just because i cudnt receive their first call..
ReplyDeleteDnt knw tht whether it's gud or bad but i m njying it..(crossing my fingers)!!